Food Review: Goldfish Puffs

Awhile ago, I read that Goldfish Puffs are gluten free! AND Made in a gluten free facility (read the comments)! Wow, BIG step for celiacs for such a large company to be taking such a step. But it took me awhile to find them in the store (read: I kept forgetting to look for them). But Brad really likes Goldfish so while doing our grocery shopping, we stopped to look at the cracker isle and I saw them!

Gluten Free Goldfish

I got the Mega Cheddar ones by accident. It wasn’t until 3 goldfish in I realized that. WOW, tons of cheddar flavor. Almost too much. I got maybe a handful in before packing the rest back up in the bag. It was too much for me. They tasted like Cheeto Puffs, but extra cheddar flavoring. I think I’ll have to try the regular ones another time.

If you eat these, have a paper towel ready. Seriously, so much cheddar! haha

Gluten Free Goldfish Fingers

Selfies at work? Guilty…


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